Blank Notebook

Experiences, Thoughts & Reviews

7 February 2024


by ramesh ramalingam

Hai there!

Welcome to my web space. I have been thinking about writing a welcome note for my web space for last few days. I was even wondering if I really need to write a welcome note. Still, I was unable to catch any idea. So the following will be just a random thought-capturing note on why I want to start a web space for myself. As a side effect of reading books, I always had the urge to start writing about my experiences. But it never went to paper, except for a few tech articles I wrote in medium. Whenever I was pondering a topic to start writing, I can see at least one good article has already been written about it. This buries the idea there itself. When one likely crosses the first fire line, I get into the realm of negative thoughts. Do I really have enough English to pen my thoughts? What if it looked naive? What if nobody likes it? What if this happens? What if that happens? It is like sitting on the shore of negativity and watching never-ending tides of self-doubt.

But during this long self-battle, I gradually started building my own reasons to do it. My biggest fear was the fear of the unknown outcomes. Thats the one which is really stopping me from even start sharng anything with others. So I started curating the worst possibilities. The worst possible outcome could be somebody trashing my posts for their lame content or pathetic language. So be it. But it cannot be worse than failing without even trying. This helped me gather the courage to start sharing my experiences.

Despite a feeble draft list, I do not have any ideas what I want to write here. In the emerging world of AI, I cannot write anything new. I know ChatGPT will write a better article than me with a good prompt. But I am sure it cannot describe my experience and point of view (at least for now). That could be my moat. So whatever I am going to write here will be my own view and experience. That could be the only reason I can make sense to people who try reading my posts.

Bye for now! See you all in the next post.

Note: I haven’t used any AI expect for grammer checks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

tags: welcome - generic - ramesh - fear

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